Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Vinod Senapala

Well my friends, Vinod surprised the world (and us specially!) when he finally tied the knot last august. I know what all are thinking, but the truth is that still he is not a father! (legal as well as illegal) The guy was so paranoid about the wedding (he is still very health conscious) and decided that he should reduce substantial amount of weight. He called his able friends (Kanchana, Kavinda and the gang) and started playing badminton as if it was anybodies business. The result was that he had a fracture in his ankle and had to be on the clutches for his wedding (those who want to see him limping during his wedding, please contact his wife. Be ready to get an ear full of the time she had because of this fellow!). Ooops! I almost forgot. His wife’s name is Chamila and I think Vinod is lucky to have someone like that. We have all stopped having regular baths as Vinod is busy these days putting up a house. I know you must be wondering why we are not having regular baths just because Vinod is building a house. Well guys, the house is fully equipped with a jacuzzi and a swimming pool overlooking a lake!

1 comment:

Fayaz said...

Hi Vinod,

Bloody hell didn't even know that a blogg exsisted, Great work chaps!! Just thought I'll drop a quick mail and congratulate you both on your wedding. Good Luck!

" Another One Bites The Dust"

Cheers mate,
