Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Kanchana Ekanayake

To be frank this guy needs no introduction and I think we all owe him for getting this site up and running, as we had loads of inputs from him. Well, for the benefit of the membership the photograph is of Kanchana, his wife Senora and two daughters! (Well if you want to know there real names you need to fire a call to Kanchana). Happily married (I know many still cannot believe it considering the state he was in college!) for more than eight years. His eldest daughter is seven years and the younger one is five. In fact some are planning to give his wife an award for putting up with him for such a long time. In the photograph you will notice that Kanchana is trying to come closer to Senora but she is keeping her distance. The reason for this is that the poor fellow is trying to have a go for another child (son!) and she just cannot put up with his nonsense. He is gainfully employed at Aitkin Spence as a manager. He was the former secretary (who did absolutely nothing!) of the batch and is in the present committee (let us all hope and pray that he does something useful - except contributing to this site!)

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